Black Diamonds that are Fixing themselves in MySQL


New Member
I am running into a very strange issue with a site that I am working on. The site is basically a job board where the owner or users can create job listings including a description that ends up being stored into a MySQL text field. What we are experiencing is this, whenever listings from certain sources are entered, they initially end up with the "Black Diamond" with a question mark inside character in place of apostrophes and double spaces. This part I know is an encoding issue and can correct. The real question is this, these black diamonds show when the record is displayed in a MySQL admin tool and when the job listing is viewed in a web browser (simple select statement displays the listing in a PHP app), but after the first time it is viewed, then the problem somehow fixes itself. It is like the running the select then displaying the record updates the job description field and fixes the encoding issues. How could this be? Has anyone ever heard of this or anything similar? I cannot understand how a database field would change without running an update statement...