Bing's policy on link building


New Member
Quote: ...Bing's position on link building is straightforward - we are less concerned about the link building techniques used than we are about the intentions behind the effort. That said, techniques used are often quite revealing of intent. Allow me to explain.

Bing (as well as other search engines) places an extremely high priority on helping searchers find relevant and useful content through search. This is why we regularly say that search engine optimization (SEO) techniques oriented toward helping users are ultimately more effective than doing SEO specifically for search engine crawlers (aka bots).

The webmasters who create end user value within their websites, based on the needs of people, are the ones who will see their page rank improve. So where does that value come from? Content. Good, original, text-based content.... Reference: Link building for smart webmasters (no dummies here) (SEM 101) - Bing Webmaster Central Blog

The post goes on to discuss:
  • How do I get valuable inbound links?
  • Site relevance
  • Authority sites
  • Going unnatural
  • Using the Webmaster Center Backlinks tool
  • So what can I do to get good, legitimate inbound links?
Mistake about this. I will follow you.