Binding unique URLs to XML site map ASP.NET

So, I'm new to ASP.NET and website development in general. I've run into a problem using data binding to an XML file to build a site map for an ASP.NET application. Here's the first portion of the sitemap:\[code\]<Privo> <child display="Current Projects"> <child display="Amifostin"> <child display="Experiments"> <leaf>HTT</leaf> <leaf>MTT</leaf> <leaf>HPLC</leaf> <leaf>UV-Spec</leaf> </child>\[/code\]And the data binding from the site.master file:\[code\]<DataBindings> <asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="child" TextField="display" /> <asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="leaf" TextField="#InnerText" /></DataBindings>\[/code\]What'd I'd like to do it something like this:\[code\] <leaf url="ExperimentsView.aspx/HTT">HTT<leaf>\[/code\]and\[code\] <asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="leaf" TextField="#InnnerText" NavigateUrl="url"/>\[/code\]BUT, here's the problem: when I try to bind the NavigateUrl, the only thing I can do is bind a type of node to a url - meaning, every leaf will link the the same url. Is there a way to bind a field of the leaf nodes to a (unique) url, or will I have to make different DataMembers for each unique url?Note: yes, I know about Web.sitemap. That's what I was using when the project lead told me that he wants to use XML data binding.