binding dropdown lists..


Hi, I have a webform with a bunch of dropdown lists that I've filled value from an .mdb table. I'm trying to make a submit button to call an INSERT statement based on the values selected in the dropdown lists.. I've been playing around with the selecteditem and selectedvalue properties but I can't seem to get it to assign the current dropdown selection to a string variable (i'm new to this). Is there any easy way to do this, or something i'm missing ? I've made a test button to display the selecteditem of the dropdown list in a label.. but I can only get it to display the top value of the list, even if I select another value.

Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(CONNSTRING)

'Create a command object for the query
'Const strSQL6 As String = "INSERT into units (SerialNum, EngineNum, KeyNum, BillofLading, Memo, Model, Color, ModelYear, Assembled, Brand, UnitGroup, UnitStatus, Location, Availability) VALUES vin "
'Const strSQL6 As String = "INSERT into units (SerialNum) VALUES (@add_vin)"

Dim objCmd6 As New OleDbCommand("", objConn)
'objCmd6.CommandText = "INSERT into units (SerialNum, EngineNum, KeyNum, BillofLading, Memo, Model, Color, ModelYear, Assembled, Brand, UnitGroup, UnitStatus, Location, Availability) VALUES (@add_vin, @add_engine, @add_key, @add_bill, @add_memo, @add_model, @add_color, @add_year, @add_assembled, @add_brand, @add_type, @add_status, @add_location, @add_availability)"
objCmd6.CommandText = "INSERT into units (SerialNum, EngineNum, Assembled) VALUES (@add_vin, @add_engine, @add_assembled)"
'Create/Populate the DataReader
objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_vin", add_vin)
objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_engine", add_engine)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_key", add_key)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_bill", add_bill)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_memo", add_memo)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_model", add_model)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_color", add_color)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_year", add_year)
objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_assembled", add_assembled)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_brand", add_brand)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_type", add_type)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_status", add_status)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_location", add_location)
'objCmd6.Parameters.Add("@add_availability", add_availability)
objCmd6.CommandType = CommandType.Text

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim test As String
test = model.SelectedItem.ToString
Label15.Text = test
End Sub.SelectedValue should return a string.

Where is the code that actually binds the lists??This is the code binding one of the dropdown lists..

'Create a command object for the query
Const strSQL1 As String = "SELECT model FROM models ORDER by model"
Dim objCmd1 As New OleDbCommand(strSQL1, objConn)
'Create/Populate the DataReader
Dim objDR1 As OleDbDataReader
objDR1 = objCmd1.ExecuteReader()
model.DataSource = objDR1

I tried using model.selectedvalue it does return a string, but it will only return the first value in the dropdown list, no matter which value i select. I click the button, the dropdown lists flips back to the first value in the list and my label will only display that first value.