Hi,<BR><BR>I want a DropDownList in a DataGrid to display values from two database columns, "ItemID" and "ItemTitle", separated by a dash. The Access table these columns are from, "tblItems", is already being held in a DataTable (also called "tblItems"), but I couldn't figure out the syntax for pulling these two columns out of the existing DataTable, connecting them with a dash, and then binding the result to the DropDownList.<BR><BR>I eventually did achieve the desired result by the wasteful method of creating a SECOND DataTable ("tblItemParents") via the following SQL: <BR><BR>"SELECT tblItems.ItemID & ' - ' & tblItems.ItemTitle AS ItemParent FROM tblItems ORDER BY ItemID;"<BR><BR>and then binding this second DataTable to the DropDownList. But can this solution can't be optimal, as I have created a second DataAdapter, a second database query and a second DataTable just for this one DropDownList, when all the information exists already in my first DataTable - if I just knew how to get it out in the right format.<BR><BR>Can anyone tell me how I can do this without having to create a second query and DataTable?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>JON<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>************************************************** ****<BR>THE CODE (HIGHLIGHTS)<BR>************************************************** ****<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Sub Page_Load(sender as object, e as eventargs)<BR> Dim objAdapter as New OleDbDataAdapter ( "SELECT * from tblItems", objConn )<BR> objConn.Open()<BR> objAdapter.Fill(ds, "tblItems")<BR> dg.DataSource = ds<BR> dg.DataMember = "tblItems"<BR><BR><BR> Dim objAdapter2 as New OleDbDataAdapter ( "SELECT tblItems.ItemID & ' - ' & tblItems.ItemTitle AS ItemParent FROM tblItems ORDER BY ItemID;", objConn )<BR> objAdapter2.Fill(ds, "tblItemParents")<BR><BR>end sub<BR><BR><BR>Sub myDataGrid_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As DataGridItemEventArgs)<BR> If (e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.EditItem) then<BR> Dim ddItemParent as DropDownList = e.Item.FindControl("ddItemParent")<BR> ddItemParent.DataSource = ds.Tables("tblItemParents").DefaultView<BR> ddItemParent.DataTextField = "ItemParent"<BR> ddItemParent.DataBind()<BR> end if<BR>end sub<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><aspataGrid id="dg" runat="server"<BR>AutoGenerateColumns="False"<BR>OnEditCommand="dg_edit"<BR>OnCancelCommand="dg_cancel"<BR>OnUpdateCommand="dg_update"<BR>OnItemDataBound="myDataGrid_ItemDataBound"<BR>><BR><BR><BR><Columns><BR> <asp:TemplateColumn><BR> <EditItemTemplate><BR> <b>ItemParent: </b><aspropDownList id="ddItemParent" runat="server" /><BR> </EditItemTemplate><BR> </asp:TemplateColumn><BR><BR></Columns><BR><BR><BR><BR>