I have the following code which binds a dataset of names to a drop down list....what do I need to do to bind name and job title (which is held in a different column) to the DD list?<BR><BR>The stored proc is already changed to bring back both columns...<BR><BR>many thanks, <BR><BR>'create a new Command using the CommandText and Connection object<BR> objCommand.CommandText = "Get_All_VPs"<BR> <BR> objDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader()<BR> <BR> lstVPs.Datasource = objDataReader<BR> lstVPs.DataValueField = "VP_ID"<BR> lstVPs.DataTextField = "Name"<BR> lstVPs.DataBind()<BR> lstVPs.SelectionMode =ListSelectionMode.Multiple<BR> <BR> objDataReader.close()<BR> objConnect.close()Create a datatable with datarows and datacolumns, populating your datarows with the formated data you want from your database. Then instead of binding the reader to the dropdown, bind the datatable.