BIG NEWS!!!!! Bill Parcells?


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August 22, 2008. World record holding Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt may have good things in store for him when he gets back to this side of the world. just spoke to a person affiliated with the NFL's Miami Dolphins organization who claims that Bill Parcells is interested in trying out Bolt for the Miami Dolphins.<br />
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The insider told, "Coach Parcells kept saying that he wanted to try out Bolt and [all the players] thought he was just joking. But now [one of the scouts] is on a plane to China to talk with Usain's manager."<br />
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6 foor 4 and runs the 100 meter in 9.6 seconds. Can't say we blame Bill for trying... <br />
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MEDIATAKEOUT.COM what do you think?<br />
First off parcells isn't even the coach, he's the VP of football operations,

Second, I don't think Usain will be able to take all the hits, and learn the game that quick, if he ever does end up playing it's not for a few years, yes he is a freak of nature athlete, but he's used to running in a straight line with no contact, add cuts and people trying to take him down and it's completely different

Although it would be entertaining to watch
he's never played football. ESPN talked about this possibility and how he'd work with his height and speed. He's never run in pads and never had to catch a ball and keep his stride. It'll be 3 years before he's even developed the skill set It would take for him to be a able to play wr. This won't amount to anything.
I do not see anything coming out of this. At least nothing this season. Just because he can run fast does not make him a football player. He needs to learn routes and how to catch a ball first. It will be difficult for him to learn an NFL playbook that is Bible size thick.

Thumbs up to those who agree.
He's 6'5" and only 190 pounds. That is a little twiggish for a pro football player. I'd say he needs to learn how to do something other than go fast like carry a ball or tackle.
The Chiefs are rumoring this as well.

It would never work out because he's to lightweight. Sorry but even if they had Bolt, he would be lost in double-coverage because the Dolphins have no one else to throw to.

Besides, he would be Jamaican you crazy with all of the false start penalties, he's trained to go on the first loud noise he hears.
i don't know why everyone seems to think he couldn't. He's in great shape and he wouldn't slow down a whole lot with pads on. There's been several players that had some success in the NFL with little experience playing tackle football. Football isn't that hard to learn. Why is anyone questioning his size? He's the average size of most WR's and i know of several guys that are a lot smaller than him and they played some hella good ball. B. Sanders, P. Holmes, D. Hall, W. Dunn, and S. Moss just to name a few. I think he'd be a great kick return man. BTW, the majority of skilled players ran track at some point in their lives, so don't think track guys can't play ball.
wow you were serious but i think its just a rumor also i think Bolt will turn him down he doesn't want to jeopardize his Olympic career playing football he will have to learn how to play football and learning football especially in the NFL is something you don't learn over night plus yeah he can run fast so what you got to have skills in this league i think its just a publicity stunt because the Miami Dolphins need all the publicity they can get these days