Big Issue


New Member
Ok a few minutes ago, i was on my forums and everything was fine and dandy. I turn off my PC only to come back and go to my forums and everythings messed up.

Issue: The skins, no images for the skins are showing. The skin itself is there but the images for them isnt. I have no idea why it isnt working cause when i say i was on it before i turned off my PC i mean it. I just closed firefox and turn off PC come back and none of my skins (besides default VB skin) has images.

I checked the paths, all fine, checked root folder all files are still there none missing. If someone could please! Help that would be great.
Ok this might sound weird, but for one skin the file from it was in the root folder. For the other the file was in /images/skin-name.

After switching those around, meaning the one in root folder's new path is /images/skin-name and other in root folder it worked. Really strange as to it pertained no issues at all before.

Anyways, once again Tech thanks.
It seems like you've done everything ok as the images were fine previously. I would assume it's on your hosting end, so check with them to see if they are doing any maintenance work that might be intefering.....this sounds like a likely reason tbh.
Just write click the dead image & check the path.

Odds are it's

Please note, this doesn't just "happen". Either you or someone made the change. Skins don't change directories or delete their on content. If you made a mistake it's no big deal, we are jere to help.

I have worked on many Vbulletin forums & I am 100% sure we can fix yours. Shoot me a PM with your link so I can test on my end. P.S. don't post your link here for security reasons.