Big Hits .. very little search engine results


New Member
I have a site that has a lot of hits for a site less than 6 months old.
Sunday 3/6 - Unique Hits: 5069 Page views: 11894
Saturday 3/5 - Unique Hits:5954: Page views: 12411
and on and on...

We get roughly 700k hits visits a month, mainly because I have Android apps and a TV channel on the ROKU. However, if you search any of my keywords... nothing. Except for our adwords placement (which most of the time is first in line) our site isn't listed.

I decided with Joomla because of my Strong PHP background, but if a more flexible CMS (Drupal for example) would help, I would consider the long haul of migrating over.

WHAT CAN I DO and Should I hire someone with SEO experience?

HELP!! For a site which looks as good as yours you will want to put some real time and money into that in terms of SEO. After having just a quick peak at your site, I think you are missing a lot of content on it which search engines like. While your site looks great, one thing which the landing page is missing is some content. From there you can start targeting keywords to the navlinks above. This should help you out. But remember, there's big competition for all of those navlink keywords you have.