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I've just had the bollocking from hell on another forum apparantly I am spamming the search engines with my site map or rather a section of it here it is its not finished yet this is my local spanish removals section I intend to add descriptive text under all the links that will then lead to pages of unique content can someone please tell me what I have done wrong here.

I am trying to follow Cricketts seo I have the ebook carnt think what I've done wrong here I have had to break up the site map because I will be having alot more than 100 pages on the site eventually my main sitemap page is here and connects to other sitemap sections or will do eventually (its not finished yet)

Have I broken any rules here I want to do things right I dont like been accused of spamming the search engines THAT HURTS

Thanks everyone

Mark The pages you provided the links to are not sitemaps, they are normal Web pages. Sitemaps created for search engine robots are to be in the XML format. You can learn more about it on A single sitemap can contain up to 50000 URLs, so all your pages can be listed in the same sitemap file. Quote: Originally Posted by Leo SQP The pages you provided the links to are not sitemaps, they are normal Web pages. Sitemaps created for search engine robots are to be in the XML format. You can learn more about it on A single sitemap can contain up to 50000 URLs, so all your pages can be listed in the same sitemap file. There are 2 types:

1) A traditional HTML site map (which Mark is trying to make) which is good for people and the search bots. More useful IMHO.

2) An XML sitemap that uses the Sitemaps protocol. This one is for certain search bots only - not people.

BTW: Google says to have both but Matt Cutts also says if you have to choose do the traditional site map first.

Which is better: an HTML site map or XML Sitemap?
Quote: Raj in India asks:

"HTML site map v/s XML Sitemap. Which one is yummy for Google search engine spider?" + YouTube Video ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you dont have Flash installed.

Respectfully, I am guessing that the issue is not the fact that you have a site map, because as Basic mentioned, that is standard protocol. This issue appears to be that quite frankly, the page looks like a major spam fest of keyword stuffing rather than a site map designed to help your users. (Your footer navigation has the same issue.) Additionally, it has a HUGE number of broken links.

As an example, I cannot think of a single reason to repeat the term house removals well over 100 times on that page. Can you? How does this benefit your users? Why wouldn't you simply use the terms in the category heading, and then list the cities below it?

As far as the broken links, if those pages are not yet active, you need to deactivate the link. Why send the bots on a fruitless search of pages that don't exist?

Now, a word of advice. Slow down. Deal with one issue at a time, one page at a time. The overwhelming feelings come when you are trying to do way too much at a time along with asking way too many different people for advice. It makes it very difficult to know which way to go before you have a solid understanding of the basics. P.S. When you ask for help, make sure you put on the thickest skin you can find, cuz sometimes the responses can be really tough to hear, but it is how we all learn. FWIW I truly understand, because I have been there. I learned by making every possible mistake. Take a moment to read this so that you understand we ALL started where you are. Quote: Originally Posted by HTMLBasicTutor There are 2 types:
Wow! How come I never heard of the HTML type! Thank you for your message.

To Mark: please excuse me for misleading, I really wanted to help. Quote: Originally Posted by Leo SQP Wow! How come I never heard of the HTML type! Thank you for your message.

To Mark: please excuse me for misleading, I really wanted to help. Cause you aren't old enough to remember life before Google? (that was meant in fun) Quote: Originally Posted by HTMLBasicTutor Cause you aren't old enough to remember life before Google? (that was meant in fun) Let me puzzle you: I'm not really old by I do remember life before Google Quote: Originally Posted by Cricket Respectfully, I am guessing that the issue is not the fact that you have a site map, because as Basic mentioned, that is standard protocol. This issue appears to be that quite frankly, the page looks like a major spam fest of keyword stuffing rather than a site map designed to help your users. (Your footer navigation has the same issue.) Additionally, it has a HUGE number of broken links.

As an example, I cannot think of a single reason to repeat the term house removals well over 100 times on that page. Can you? How does this benefit your users? Why wouldn't you simply use the terms in the category heading, and then list the cities below it?

As far as the broken links, if those pages are not yet active, you need to deactivate the link. Why send the bots on a fruitless search of pages that don't exist?

Now, a word of advice. Slow down. Deal with one issue at a time, one page at a time. The overwhelming feelings come when you are trying to do way too much at a time along with asking way too many different people for advice. It makes it very difficult to know which way to go before you have a solid understanding of the basics. Hi Crickett

Thanks for the reply ok I will try and explain why I've done what I've done then it might make sense, I am trying to put into practice what I've learned so far so what I,ve done is this

1. find a keyphrase that people will seach for or a niche in the market
2. have that keyword as the title, header, alt name, ect ect
3. HAVE YOUR MAIN KEYWORDS IN THE FOOTER if using javascrit menu

so thats exactly what I did the problem is alot of my keywords are similar like

house removals Leeds
house removals Bradford ect

now I could just have the catergory and then the city name (I would prefer that) but then my mode of thinking is saying if I do that then will it water down the effectiveness of the seo for that keyword, it says in the ebook that you should use the exact page title as the linked text so that means putting those links in the footer like I have done as these keyword phrases match my title, headings, ect what I was thinking of doing was having just the city names as text on the page but then having the anchor link text the same as my title text would this be a way round this problem or is this what I should have done in the first place.

I dont want to get into trouble from google THAT WAS NOT MY INTENTION AT ALL I wouldn't do that on purpose after all this hard work but I can see where your coming from, hope you can give me a little guidance on this.

Thanks very much appreciate your time and effort

Mark Quote: Originally Posted by Cricket Respectfully, I am guessing that the issue is not the fact that you have a site map, because as Basic mentioned, that is standard protocol. This issue appears to be that quite frankly, the page looks like a major spam fest of keyword stuffing rather than a site map designed to help your users. (Your footer navigation has the same issue.) Additionally, it has a HUGE number of broken links.

As an example, I cannot think of a single reason to repeat the term house removals well over 100 times on that page. Can you? How does this benefit your users? Why wouldn't you simply use the terms in the category heading, and then list the cities below it?

As far as the broken links, if those pages are not yet active, you need to deactivate the link. Why send the bots on a fruitless search of pages that don't exist?

Now, a word of advice. Slow down. Deal with one issue at a time, one page at a time. The overwhelming feelings come when you are trying to do way too much at a time along with asking way too many different people for advice. It makes it very difficult to know which way to go before you have a solid understanding of the basics. PS.

Regarding the footer links I had intended on building those pages but as you guessed got side tracked so do you think it would be ok to leave the text in the footer but remove the link for now would that be ok


Mark Respectfully, most people do not have large numbers of pages that start with the same two words for every page, and unless you have 100% unique content for every one of those pages, neither should you. If the only difference in those pages is the location, you need to seriously consider choosing a much larger geographical area to focus on for a single page and then simply offer a listing of the cities available, perhaps in a drop box of sorts. Quote: Originally Posted by Cricket Respectfully, most people do not have large numbers of pages that start with the same two words for every page, and unless you have 100% unique content for every one of those pages, neither should you. If the only difference in those pages is the location, you need to seriously consider choosing a much larger geographical area to focus on for a single page and then simply offer a listing of the cities available, perhaps in a drop box of sorts. Hi Cricket

All my pages are definitely going to have unique content I am just racking my brains about these links weather to keep them there or try find alternative words for "house removals" I am at a loss.

Mark You already heard my recommendation earlier.

Quote: Why wouldn't you simply use the terms in the category heading, and then list the cities below it?