Bg image & tables (dumb I know..)


I'm just about ready to start converting my layers into tables and my background image is concerning me.<br />
My hole layout is centered around this image and right now it is inside a layer with many layers overlapping it. I would like to change the layers into tables but keep the bg image underneath. When I place the bg in the page property setting I'm seeing 3 bg images on my screen. Should I start breaking up my bg and piece it together in tables? I'm a newbie at this :O<br />
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My site<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Not sure why you think you need to use tables instead of layers, the page looks pretty good and should display correctly in any V4.0+ browser.<br />
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Use the bg image as the bg in the table or a table cell instead of the bg for the entire page and it may display better. Right now it sounds like its tiled. Bg images will tile to cover the entire browser window if you don't use any other bg properties to control the display. <br />
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Size the image or adjust the canvas size of the image to fit into the table or table cell so it does not tile in the table and displays where you want it. Netscape and IE sometimes display table bg images in a slightly different position so you might want to check that.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi Kevin, if you view it in Netscape you'll understand what I'm talking about ;) <br />
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"Use the bg image as the bg in the table or a table cell " I don't know how to accomplish this if I need to split the table apart for my content. I can't make layers inside the table then convert them and when I try and add rows or col. the bg brakes. Maybe I should just create a 2nd site for netscape ;/<!--content-->I don't have any of the older Netscape browsers but with Netscape 6 your site looks the same as IE5. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Is that image crucial? Maybe you don't need it. To make it work as a background of the page. Create a new image in your image editor at least 1200 pixels wide by at least the height of your image (or make it the height that is higher than most of your screens). Set your image on the new image and you have a background that will only tile down the page as opposed to across and down. Post the image up here and tell us where you want the top left corner of the image.<!--content-->Kevin,<br />
I believe he is concerned aboput N4.7 users.<br />
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Kman, <br />
The image is indeed an integral part of his page. He has a link at the bottom of the first post, so that you may view it. Its a pretty good page.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
Kevin,<br />
I believe he is concerned aboput N4.7 users.<br />
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Kman, <br />
The image is indeed an integral part of his page. He has a link at the bottom of the first post, so that you may view it. Its a pretty good page. <br />
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I think it is a great page. However, if we are talking about the faded image of her face, I don't think taking it out would hurt. you can barely see it do to the text and content on top. It is a nice touch, but if it is causing problems, take it out until he gets the problem connected. I would set it up on a backgrouns that is wide enough to cover most screen settings then set the bgcolor to black and make it so it tiles only down on the longer pages.<!--content-->Hey guys, I'm back! by the way I'm a gal..hehe;)(just a big TR fan)<br />
Listen I have changed my site into tables, That faded image of Angelina Jolie is infact a part of the background it's all one huge image. I've replaced it with a more browser friendly layout. is layout the correct term..hummm<br />
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could you check it out and let me know what you think? I'm not completely done yet but you'll get the idea.<br />
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Thanks <br />
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ps: Dr. Web, I'm going to work on my flash and try to cut the loading time soon.<!--content-->Thanks once again for all your help, I've tried other related forums and have received many a cold shoulder. Your the best... mind if I stay? :D<!--content-->Absolutely, do stay. <br />
And sorry if I, uhh...errr....mistook you!<br />
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I like the new layout, it looks a lot better in 1200x760 as well. I kind of miss the faded image if LC's can add that as a BG property of an individual table, and a table cell.<!--content-->The new table layout looks good to me. <br />
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I enjoyed TR1 but never played any of the sequels. <br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Angelina Jolie makes a fab Laura!<br />
I couldn't keep going in the sequels bored after a while.<!--content-->I'm glad you like it, I do to :) Talk to ya later...bye<!--content-->Post that image. I am sure someone will make it a background for you!<!--content-->I could fiddle with it if I really wanted to but I like the new look. One thing, should I put a scolling text under my top rollover links or do you think that would be to much?<!--content-->nah...skip the scrolling text. If your going for somethibg better.....maybe a little flash.<!--content-->Yes, perhaps some flash could do the magic :)<!--content-->Ah, the dreaded flash..I just can't seem to get the hang of it. It took me 3 day's just to make what's there now, but it would add a nice touch.<br />
Good idea.<!--content-->here are some links to tutorials and all on flash:<br />
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also<br />
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