bg below navy?


New Member
I have a small problem here, I want to add a "bg image" right below the nav bar. so I tried it out but when I actually did it. the image also showed up in the background of some spots like the posts and a few moduals.

Basically the image showed its pretty face where it wasn't needed.

You can see the image I am talking about in the image I uploaded. (stripes below nav bar).

Anyone know how I can add the bg image under the nav with out it also showing anywhere else on the forums? I'm not a code guru so...
what is the css and code you are using?....if its popping up elsewhere you maybe using a css attribute thats already in use by default.

adding something like this:
<div class="nav_BG"> </div>
<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
in the navbar template and
      background:url(path/to/your/image.gif) repeat-x top left;
      height:30px; /*  change to the height of image  */
in your styles additonal CSS should do the trick...(not tested just a guess)