Best way to use Zend_Oauth_Consumer without cookies and without session


New Member
I am developing gadget with tech requirements: "no Cookie, no Session".I have the following code:\[code\]<?phpclass LinkedIn{ private $options; private $consumer; private $client; private $token; public function __construct($params) { // set Zend_Oauth_Consumer options $this->options = array( 'version' => '1.0', 'localUrl' => $params['localUrl'], 'callbackUrl' => $params['callbackUrl'], 'requestTokenUrl' => '', 'userAuthorizationUrl' => '', 'accessTokenUrl' => '', 'consumerKey' => $params['apiKey'], 'consumerSecret' => $params['secretKey'] ); // instanciate Zend_Oauth_Consumer class require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Oauth_Consumer'); $this->consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($this->options); } public function connect() { // Start Session to be able to store Request Token & Access Token session_start (); if (!isset ($_SESSION ['ACCESS_TOKEN'])) { // We do not have any Access token Yet if (! empty ($_GET)) { // SECTION_IF // But We have some parameters passed throw the URL // Get the LinkedIn Access Token $this->token = $this->consumer->getAccessToken ($_GET, unserialize($_SESSION ['REQUEST_TOKEN'])); // Store the LinkedIn Access Token $_SESSION ['ACCESS_TOKEN'] = serialize ($this->token); } else { // SECTION_ELSE // We have Nothing // Start Requesting a LinkedIn Request Token $this->token = $this->consumer->getRequestToken (); // Store the LinkedIn Request Token $_SESSION ['REQUEST_TOKEN'] = serialize ($this->token); // Redirect the Web User to LinkedIn Authentication Page $this->consumer->redirect (); } } else { // We've already Got a LinkedIn Access Token // Restore The LinkedIn Access Token $this->token = unserialize ($_SESSION ['ACCESS_TOKEN']); } // Use HTTP Client with built-in OAuth request handling $this->client = $this->token->getHttpClient($this->options); }}\[/code\]It's working perfect. But REQUEST_TOKEN stored in SESSION. How can I put it to query string in SECTION_ELSE, and get it back in SECTION_IF? Thanks for all the advice.