Best way to template ASP.NET code? (Like ColdFusio


New Member
Hi all:<BR><BR>When starting a brand new ASP.NET application, does anyone have any suggestions on how to template the code? For example, in ColdFusion I create an index page with a CASE statement that determines what templates to include based on an ACTION parameter in the URL. It's based on the Fusebox methodology for ColdFusion.<BR><BR>Any ideas on best practices or methodologies on how to best create a managable, readable, scalable ASP.NET application?<BR><BR>Thanks in advance.<BR><BR>-DSee:<BR><BR>It's Microsoft's "official" best practices app. You can download the code and try it out.They are called User Controls! If you encapsulate your functionality into user controls then you are dropping features on new pages without re-coding anything per page.<BR><BR>Is that what you are talking about?