Best way to show an admin message to certain users?


New Member
I am building a social network site in PHP/MySQL/jQuery. Once a user is logged into my site, I would like to query the DB and get an admin announcement if one exist. This will be a message box that shows on the page to all users but it will have an X to click on it and not show it ever again until the admin post a new announcement message. So if you never click the X and there is announcement messages that exist in the db, it will always show this message box on your page, however if you did cli9ck the X to close the box, then you come back to the page it will not be there, unless there is a new admin message posted. I know there is several ways of doing this but I am looking for the most efficient way. One idea I have, if I add an extra mysql field onto the user's table "admin_message" and mark it as 0, then when I post a new admin message it will change the record for every user to 1, if admin message is set to 1 then it shows on user's page. Then when the user clicks the X to hide the box, it will update there user table row and chnage the value back to 0.Another idea I have is to use cookie's to check if a user has chosen to hide a message, i think this would be faster but maybe not as good, since user can log in with differnt computers and if a new message is shown, they may not see it right away. So I am just wondering if it is a bad idea to use the extra database field? If I had 1,000,000 users, when I posted a new admin message, then I would need to update 1,000,000 rows to make sure everyone can see the message. Is there a better way? Also once a user logs into my site I will use a session to store the value of them seeing or hiding the message instead of looking at the DB on every page load.UPDATE Sorry I think my post might of been a little confusing or not clear on what exactly I meant because most the responses are catered to a message system which this is not anything close to. Forget the message word please I will try to explain with a different word. Let's say there is 1 admin on the site, that is the only admin who can post a message to users to see. The users will only see 1 message, if there is 2352345234 messages posted over the lifetime of the site, it won't matter, they will only see 1 message, the newest message. Now some users who log in and see this message "div" on the page might get tired of looking at it, so they will be able to hide it from ever showing again. It will be as simple as a yes or no for showing this message on there page. However if I decide I need to post a new admin message for all users to see, then even a user who chose to hide and not show the admin message will still see it again until they choose to never see it again.