Best wat to combine XML files???


New Member
Hello,I have a xlm doc with the following format: see codeI want to be able to combine the contents from one to the other. The tierlevel remains constant.I am not concerned with duplicate information being copied. I know the CDOlayer will be common. I quest what makes this difficult for me is the attributes.If you can give me persudo code that would be fine. What I really need ishow to search for the node that matches, say at the class level with a specificname, then to copy the node if found to the destination doc. I don't knowhow to use XPATH with the attributes.<?xml version="1.0"?><Errors><TierCBO/><TierCDO><Class name="cdoOraDB"><Method name="InsertRec"><Error ErrNum="-23456" ErrDesc="ADO Insert Failure" DateTime="1-22-200112:30"/></Method></Class><Class name="cdoSQLDB"><Method name="TestMethod"><Error ErrNum="-23456789" ErrDesc="Some ado Error" DateTime="03:47:07PM Friday, Feb 2 2001"/></Method></Class></TierCDO><TierDB/><TierUTL/></Errors>