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Hello guys,<BR><BR>I am looking for a real good online tuturial on OO concepts for C#. I am rather new to OO and need to learn more about objects/classes/methods/functions etc. I am looking for something that doesn't assume to much. Thanks for you help. I understand a little such as a object is an instance of a class etc, but I really dont know how to put them to use. Thanks<BR><BR>LI hope these help you:<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>They cover the basics of OO using C# examples - Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Inheritance.<BR><BR><BR>If something is unclear in them and needs further explaining let me know
<BR>Thank you very much I went through those and they helped a little, however I was looking for something a little more in depth that may explain some of the rules/logic.<BR><BR>For example when why method calls won't work sometimes (see post above) as well as when I should make new classes (the program I am working on now just has a bunch of methods in one class, and I think this is incorrect. etc...<BR><BR>If you know of any other site please shout em out <BR><BR>Thank you for your help:<BR><BR>LSure thing:<BR><BR> (check out how to build good domain models and the OO analysis model)<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>The analysis side of OO can be the hardest part because it can be so abstract. <BR><BR><BR>*** MORE HIGH LEVEL LINKS***<BR>To get the most out of OO you should learn how to use design patterns. It allows you to recognize easy ways to accomplish common tasks:<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Might want to look at anti patterns also to get an idea of what not to do when creating an architecture. But you should probably focus on the analysis side of OO before diving into patterns.<BR><BR><BR><BR>