Best approach for running an “endless” process monitoring MySQL?


New Member
I have a process that has to be ran against certain things and it isn't suitable to be ran at the users end (15+ seconds to process) so I considered using a cron job but again, this is also unsuitable because it will create a back log. I have narrowed my options down to either running an endless process that monitors for mysql changes, or configuring mysql to trigger the script when it detects a change but the latter is not something I want to get into unless it's my only option, which leaves me with the "endless" monitoring option. The sort of thing I'm considering with PHP is:\[code\]while (true) { $db->query('SELECT * FROM database'); while($row = $db->fetch_assoc()){ // do the stuff here } sleep(5);}\[/code\]and then running it via the command line. Now this is theoretically sound but in practice it isn't doing as well as I hoped, using more resources than I would expect (but not out of my range, just not what I'm aiming for optimally). So my questions are as follows: [*]Is PHP the wrong language to do this in? PHP is what I work with, but I understand that there are times when it's the wrong choice and I think maybe this is. If it is, what language should I use?[*]Is there a better approach that I haven't considered and that isn't any of the ideas I have listed?[*]If PHP is the correct option, how can I optimise the code I posted, is there a method better than sleeping for 5 seconds after each completed operation?Thanks in advance! I'm open to any ideas as long as they're not too far out there, I'm running my own server with free reign so there's no theoretical limit on what I can do.