Berkely db3 vs. gdbm problems.


Staff member
Compiled php 4.0.5 w/ both Berkely db3 and gdbm support successfully.

However, when I try and open (dba_open) a new db in the db3 format, although the function is returning a positive value, I'm not able to store/retrieve keys.

Here's a sample -


$id = dba_open ("/tmp/test.db", "c", "db3");

if (!$id) {
echo "dba_open failed\n";

$replace = dba_insert ("key", "This is an example!", $id);

print "replace function returned $replace<br>";

echo dba_fetch ("key", $id);

dba_close ($id);

Both $id and $replace return 1, but the dba_fetch does not print out any data.

If I switch the format in the dba_open to gdbm, the code works.

I've got berkeley db 3.2.9 installed and everything compiled successfully. If anyone has any idea on where to start looking at this or if I need to provide more information, please let me know.


Steve Hajducko