Beginning ASP.NET


I am pretty good with ASP 3.0 using VBScript and ready to move forward using .NET. What is the best book out there that can help me begin to learn ASP.NET using C#?Why c#? You can pretty much just jump right into with, the syntax is fairly similar.Well, I heard that C# is better then VBScript. Code that is written in C# runs faster, and it is considered to be standard for writting Ofcourse I might be wrong. But anyways, what is a good book for introduction to For now, I don't care what language is used there. I want to learn principles and good techniques.No .net language can be considered superior to any other... is compiled at run time, they will all run at the same speed (which is very fast). They can all do the same things too, there is nothing you can do in c# that cannot be done with Also to call any one language standard would be incorrect, was designed with language flexibility in mind. and C# are of course the most popular, but j# and many others do exist and are used.

I prefer the microsoft books for
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 5358357The</a><!-- m --> book I used to get started with is:

Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming
by Jeffrey Richter. This is mostly C#, but there's a VB.NET version too, with a variation on the title.The most i really liked, is ASP.NET Unleashed, but its all with VB.NET and i dont know if you can find it with C# or no.I like two books

1. ASP.NET for dummies
2. ASP.NET Cookbook

The cookbook has both vb and c# examples in it and the "dummies" book is non-specific