

Hello my name is Fosheezy and im a beginner with site designing... but i would like to keep learning the way i am.. I bought sams teach you html xhtml in 24 hrs im on the 7th hr and increasing slowly but surely... I do not understand how i make a template for the columns on my site... i would like to have a site with 2 columns one each side of page with middle section for text and images.. I am fast learning and think it is <cellpadding="" cellspacing="" etc... with <td> <tr> table tags.. heh like i said im learning so appreciate anyone that would like to walk me through this learning process.. Thx .. 47990343 icq <----- <br />
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<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Well as far as i know i love to see hits on my beginner level msg... hahah but i would like feedback.. i have alot of experience with all scripting programming jsut not html.. i know all tags and stuff just dont really no how to enter into notepad for a layout of columns and background colors ="#FFFFFF and so forth.. thx for looking at my msg and leaving.. :P heh if i see you all on irc.. on my network server.. !ban.. heh j/k.. just thought id say this before i hit the pillow hard.. :)-~<!--content-->You can do this with tables but they can be difficult things to master when you are new to HTML. Try here for some tutorials:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ials/HTML/</a><!-- m --><br />
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You use the <TR> and <TD> tags to create table rows and cells. You don't actually use cellspacing and cellpadding to create the table itself. These are attributes for use with the <table> tag and are for setting the spacing between and in the cells. <br />
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Cell spacing is the space between each individual cell. <br />
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Cell padding is the space between the edge of the cell and the content inside.<br />
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Like I said, try the tutorials for a better explanation. Then if you're really stuck you can come back and ask again! :)<!--content-->Ok, here is a really basic thing. I pur the border on so you can see whats happening. Put this on a web page and you'll see.<br />
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<table BORDER=1 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" ><br />
<tr><br />
<td>This is the left hand side column</td><br />
<br />
<td>The right hand side column.</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
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At the moment, both columns are equal. If you would like on column wider than the other...<br />
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<table BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" ><br />
<tr><br />
<br />
<td WIDTH="20%"><br />
Left hand side column, it takes up 20% of page, notice the tag.<br />
</td><br />
<br />
<td WIDTH="80%"><br />
Right hand side of column, takes up 80% of page, notice the tag.<br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><br />
----------------------------<br />
As you can see in the above one, one column takes up 20%, the other takes up 80% of the page. Just adding the extra tag did that. <TD WIDTH="20%"><!--content-->Jolly, you have been giving out some really good advice lately! Making your border visible helps you to create tables well, it is the 'scaffolding' that is later removed.<br />
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More tutorials here... (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->