Hello everyone, a tad bit disoriented here. New to this and I do not have a clue . I am so interested in becoming a web designer, but it rattles by brain with so many different types of software out there, HTML or PHP code, and all that other fun stuff i have to learn. Dont get me wrong I really really do want to know this stuff very much so. It's just that I dont know where to begin whatsoever. Can someone send me in the right direction. <br /><br />And what is the diffrence between HTML and PHP code??<br /><br />Bare with me ......<br /><br />thanks <br />justme07<!--content-->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com/">http://www.w3schools.com/</a><!-- m --><br />This is a great place to start. It explains most of the various standards for the web.<br /><br />PHP and HTML are actually not similar at all. Two completely separate things for difference purposes.<br /><br />HTML is a markup language to describe documents. It defines the structure, such as headers, paragraphs, lists etc.<br /><br />PHP is a server scripting language. It's used to create dynamic pages, connecting to databases etc and then generate HTML a HTML document. <br /><br />Have a look at the link for further description. <br /><br /><br />And welcome to the forum btw! <img src="http://www.webdesignerforum.co.uk/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
another great starting point is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/">http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/</a><!-- m --> <img src="http://www.webdesignerforum.co.uk/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I would suggest either going fully-HTML or fully-PHP at first - trying to do the both at once is a recipe for disaster...<br /><br />in terms of advice, W3Schools is great, and some "HTML for dummies" books are pretty good for a newbie.<!--content-->
Hi Thanks to you peeps that responded to my post it. I really appreciate it, I now know which direction to head to, whch is start with HTML coding first.<br /><br />Thanks again!!!<br /><br />Have a great day !<!--content-->
HTML is code that does basic text and images. PHP is the code that "talks" to the database... It intermixes with HTML code. I really recommend getting "PHP Fast & Easy" at a Borders or Barnes & Noble and doing the exercises in it. That will get you well on your way!<!--content-->
I would start with HTML and CSS first and then learn PHP<!--content-->
I would recommend a couple of books for beginners:<br /><br />HTML, XHTML & CSS - Elizabeth Castro - Visual Quickstart Guide: This book is very well laid out and explained, easy to follow and reinforces lessons throughout so you really get a feel for what you are doing.<br /><br />Any of the Missing Manual series - Pogue Press/O'Reilly: The sample website you build in the tutorials is quite amusing. The book is written in a conversational sense and gets you into it quickly with tutorials and examples throughout.<br /><br />Build your own website the right way, using HTML and CSS - Ian Lloyd - Sitepoint: Clear and well laid out with summaries of topics covered. Very comprehensive.<br /><br />These books all have back-up websites with tutorial files and updates as well, which you can download. They don't assume any but the most basic computer knowledge and have lots of info on where and how to get free stuff, which is useful too.<br /><br />I found it difficult to follow online tutorials without setting up an additional monitor to display the tutorial page. And I found the rustle of paper reassuring!<br /><br />Many of these books can be bought second hand on Amazon and save you loads.<br /><!--content-->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com/">http://www.w3schools.com/</a><!-- m --><br />This is a great place to start. It explains most of the various standards for the web.<br /><br />PHP and HTML are actually not similar at all. Two completely separate things for difference purposes.<br /><br />HTML is a markup language to describe documents. It defines the structure, such as headers, paragraphs, lists etc.<br /><br />PHP is a server scripting language. It's used to create dynamic pages, connecting to databases etc and then generate HTML a HTML document. <br /><br />Have a look at the link for further description. <br /><br /><br />And welcome to the forum btw! <img src="http://www.webdesignerforum.co.uk/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
another great starting point is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/">http://www.yourhtmlsource.com/</a><!-- m --> <img src="http://www.webdesignerforum.co.uk/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I would suggest either going fully-HTML or fully-PHP at first - trying to do the both at once is a recipe for disaster...<br /><br />in terms of advice, W3Schools is great, and some "HTML for dummies" books are pretty good for a newbie.<!--content-->
Hi Thanks to you peeps that responded to my post it. I really appreciate it, I now know which direction to head to, whch is start with HTML coding first.<br /><br />Thanks again!!!<br /><br />Have a great day !<!--content-->
HTML is code that does basic text and images. PHP is the code that "talks" to the database... It intermixes with HTML code. I really recommend getting "PHP Fast & Easy" at a Borders or Barnes & Noble and doing the exercises in it. That will get you well on your way!<!--content-->
I would start with HTML and CSS first and then learn PHP<!--content-->
I would recommend a couple of books for beginners:<br /><br />HTML, XHTML & CSS - Elizabeth Castro - Visual Quickstart Guide: This book is very well laid out and explained, easy to follow and reinforces lessons throughout so you really get a feel for what you are doing.<br /><br />Any of the Missing Manual series - Pogue Press/O'Reilly: The sample website you build in the tutorials is quite amusing. The book is written in a conversational sense and gets you into it quickly with tutorials and examples throughout.<br /><br />Build your own website the right way, using HTML and CSS - Ian Lloyd - Sitepoint: Clear and well laid out with summaries of topics covered. Very comprehensive.<br /><br />These books all have back-up websites with tutorial files and updates as well, which you can download. They don't assume any but the most basic computer knowledge and have lots of info on where and how to get free stuff, which is useful too.<br /><br />I found it difficult to follow online tutorials without setting up an additional monitor to display the tutorial page. And I found the rustle of paper reassuring!<br /><br />Many of these books can be bought second hand on Amazon and save you loads.<br /><!--content-->