Beginner need help


I am new to Webdesign and have been attempting to make my first website for 2 months. I finally have managed to have the first page done. However, I have been unsuccessful to change the page from its "construction" stage to the new homepage. How is this done? I also have no idea how to add the other pages and how to have them come up once the link bar is clicked. Completely lost...........<br />
Thank you in advance for your help.<!--content-->Would you like to show us what you've got so far? What program you're using? stuff like that. That will then tell us if you're coding WYSIWYG (as in click button, insert picture etc) or text editing. <br />
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<br />
When you refer to links you are talking about the 'a' tag. This is coded like this:<br />
<br />
<a href="mysecondpage.htm">This is a link to my second page</a><br />
<br />
<br />
When you say changing the page from its construction stage to its homepage stage I'm not sure what you mean.<br />
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You might try <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for some good tutorials.<!--content-->I am using HTML Kit and i created the page with cute site builder which is a challenge as well.Should there be an easier way to create webpages, can you please tell me where I can look for this cause I have a hard time creating a Webpage. I have found the W3School and got some info from there, but I am not sure where to place everything. Changing the page from its construction stage, I ment how to make this page <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) go away so I can replace it with the new page.<br />
Thank you for your help.<!--content-->OK let me try this question. What did you do to get the current page up there? did you use FTP? Is that space it's on with the domain name provider?<br />
<br />
If we can sort out your upload problem then we can fix your page up after OK?<!--content-->Yes I used ftp to get the page up there. When I first recieved the domain name the page said - future home of SoulOfSoleil-, and someone changed it for me to its current state. PC crashed and I lost the original folder. After this I was on my own and all I got told was that this is -index.html- . Soul OF Soleil is my domain's name.<!--content-->Right... so why can't you use FTP to put the new page up?:confused:<br />
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If you upload a page called index.html or index.htm to your space then that is what will open when the domain name is typed in. You will either need to replace or delete your current page that's up there.<!--content-->Thank you.<br />
:D<!--content-->Hey there,<br />
<br />
I can appreciate your frustration. I've been there.<br />
<br />
Have you contacted your host for help? Your file is indeed index.html.<br />
<br />
You also have a file on your site named default.htm<br />
<br />
Most domains are setup to read certain files in a specific succession. For instance, your domain reads index.html before default.htm. This way if one file is inaccessible the next file will be displayed.<br />
<br />
You should ask your host for help getting started with file placement. You should also make sure your directories cannot be browsed.<br />
<br />
As for coding, I recommend learning the basics - the "tags". This and many other sites will help you there. You can also get one of the books published by WROX. I find them useful.<br />
<br />
Best of luck.<br />
<br />
Daniel<!--content-->what code do I need to get the links to work, so the pages will be displayed.I could not get any of them to work when the home page was displayed, now I am back to the construction page. :confused: <br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
<br />
Thank you in advance.<!--content-->Don't use Word to create your pages. You have a bunch of extra code in there that isn't needed. You have some links on your page, but you don't seem to have the pages that you are linking to on your server. I believe your Main.htm file should be named index.htm instead. You always want your home page to be the one being see first. Also name all of your html files in lower case.<!--content-->OK I've reworked your html into the following:<br />
<br />
<br />
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"<br />
""><br />
<html><br />
<HEAD><br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><br />
<TITLE>Soul Of Soleil</TITLE><br />
<STYLE TYPE="TEXT/CSS"><!--<br />
BODY {<br />
background-color: black;<br />
color: white;<br />
font-family: 'arial', sans-serif;<br />
}<br />
.center {<br />
text-align: center;<br />
}<br />
a {<br />
margin-left: 1em;<br />
margin-right: 1em;<br />
}<br />
a:link {<br />
color: #ff9933;<br />
}<br />
a:visited {<br />
color: #ff9933;<br />
}<br />
a:hover {<br />
color: #3399ff;<br />
}<br />
a:active {<br />
color: #3399ff;<br />
}<br />
--></style><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
<div class="center"><br />
<img src="index_files/image001.gif" width="468" height="60" alt="welcome to Soul of"><br />
</div><br />
<br />
<div class="center"><br />
<span><br />
|<A href="">Home</A><br />
|<A href="">Contact</A> <br />
|<A href="">Featured Artists</A><br />
|<A href="">Fashion</A><br />
|<A href="">Photos</A><br />
|<A href="">Links</A><br />
|<A href="">Crafts</A><br />
</span><br />
</div><br />
<br />
<p>Welcome to Soul OF Soleil</p><br />
<p>This Website is still under Construction.</p><br />
<p>Please direct all mail to:</p> <br />
<p>Jacaranda </p> <br />
<p><A href="mailto:">[email protected]</A></p><br />
<p>until further notice. Thank you.</p><br />
<P class="center"><A href="">?003SoulOfSoleil.</A></P><br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
<br />
I recommend you use notepad or html kit to edit your page, seeing as it is fairly simple.<br />
<br />
I couldn't find your banner, so I don't know the filepath. Have you uploaded that to your server?<br />
<br />
With regards to your hyperlinks, there are more in the source than display on the page, so I've displayed all of them for you. The reason most of your links didn't work was because they didn't have .htm after the filenames...<br />
<br />
Do you want me to explain all code above?<br />
<br />
Also, if you want to change any of the colors, you can use <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - just click the color you want and it will display the color code<!--content-->Thank you so much. <br />
I did upload the banner to the server but continue to get the famous red x. Banner is in gif.<!--content-->OK, so where did you upload to? is it in the same folder as your page? or is it in a subfolder? Also what is the filename?<!--content-->The Banner is in a folder for images.<!--content-->What's the name of the folder?<!--content-->images.htm<br />
I also uplaoded it into the index.htm folder but kept on getting red X?:confused:<!--content-->Try just uploading the .jpg file (e.g. 'banner.jpg') into the same folder as your index.htm<br />
<br />
then<br />
<br />
<img src="banner.jpg" width="468" height="60" alt="welcome to Soul of"><br />
<br />
should work<!--content-->thank you.<!--content-->looks better...<br />
<br />
can I just point out a mistake in my menu code? the home link<br />
<br />
|<A href="">Home</A><br />
<br />
should be <br />
<br />
|<A href="">Home</A><br />
<br />
It needs changing on each page, otherwise you get a 404 error.<br />
Thanks.<!--content-->thank you, i was not sure what to do thats why i left it.<!--content-->