BC30277: Type character '&' does not match declared data type 'Integer'.


Hi could some one possibly explain why i am getting this error when it comes to processing my lbl1.text i dont have a problem if i only have one && in but with the amount i put in it keeps giving me the error.

BC30277: Type character '&' does not match declared data type 'Integer'.

Line 87: if percentageMatch > 50 then ' This will be used to work out what percentage of words matched.
Line 88:
Line 89: lbl1.Text = "<b>Match </b> )<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/index3.aspx?QuestionID="&Question_ID&"&Question="&questionin&"&Answer="&Answer&"&CategoryID="&Category_ID&">" & questionin& "</a> <br>"
Line 90: end if
Line 91: Counter = 0Try to have space between "&" and variables
"<b>Match </b> )<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/index3.aspx?QuestionID=" & Question_ID & "&Question=" & questionin & "&Answer=" & Answer & "&CategoryID=" & Category_ID & ">" & questionin & "</a> <br>"