Basic XML Skill Question


Staff member

I have 4+ yrs background in developing an intranet, but have never really used XML.

I know basically what it is, tags that describe the data i.e.<FirstName></FirstName>
I know that the page must be properly formed, as well as some basic ideas.

If an employer lists ' Excellent knowledge of XML and XML Schema is a must ', how much can I quickly learn in order to be OK with this? They basically need a content specialist, and I've been doing that sorta thing for a while.

I was thinking I could take a few online quick courses in order to become more familiar. I was able to get my last job by basically crash-coursing my way through Dreamweaver in a couple of days, it was the main dev. tool and I had never used it. So I have some experience in quickly picking up something.

Does anyone have any idea if XML and XML Schema is a a skill that is easily taken up by web developers? Since this is content managing, I wouldn't think it would be that hard, but I may be way off.

Any input is greatly appreciated!!!