Basic VB.Net Form processing HELP!


OK I have a website I'm trying to rewrite and its all going wrong.

I had it working in ASP, but some of the pages have to be ASP.Net. It seems they can't live together in harmony so I'm trying to convert everything to .Net.

One of my main problems is the website login. My website has around 15 pages. Each page has a small username/password login in the top corner. To save complication and code, I had this username/password login form submit to an account_login.asp page to verify, then submit back to the referring page with a success or fail.

Now .Net seems to insist that the form and the processing are done on the same page.

So my questions are:

1. How can I do this without having the code on every single page?
2. Is there any way to have VB.Net and regular VB running on the same page?
3. Why do even the most basic things have to be so complicated!? :mad:You can use "UserControl", this control allows you to creat the login form in one page having extention ".ascx" and add it to every page you want, its similar to including in ASP i guess "i havent worked with Classic ASP before" just too little, here's an sample (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ostcount=2</a><!-- m -->) of using user control, you can add you form controls and you VB code in the user control, then just add it in any page and it will work fine.
About second question, i'm not sure, but for client scripting it can work fine, as most developers use JavaScript to perform some scripting actions, like pop up window and confirm message.