Basic question about Calendar control


s there any way to put the background of 1 specific date in another color?

It's easy to selet a style, but for example I want 05-02-2007 to have a yellow background color. How do i perform this?

Thanks in advanceusing the Event OnDayRenderThx man, helped me a lot.

For people who are curious.
just do something like this:

Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEventArgs) Handles Calendar1.DayRender
Dim d As CalendarDay
Dim c As TableCell

d = e.Day
c = e.Cell

If d.Date.Month = 2 Then
c.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br />test"))
End If
' --> each day in february will have "test" written under it.

End Subdo you not like C# ? its about 10-15% faster than VB. (More compilers and math used to speed C based compilers )hmm, i have studies C/C++ some years ago, but since then always programmed in VB. have nothing against C#, but never learned it (no time)There is no difference in the API's and the only real difference between your C++ studies is that you do not get recursive inheritance.