Basic prerequisites for Website development


Is it possible to do professional (something that will be used commercially) webpage development without any ADOBE or similar tools?<br />
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In other words, by just using HTML, can I develop reasonable good looking webpages, more importantly home pages?<br />
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If so, can I see example of few HTML homepages/ templates.<br />
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If not, at a bare minimal level, what tools are needed beyond notepad?<br />
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Thanks,<br />
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Soumya<!--content-->You can do good work with just NotePad, but you will soon find it has its limitations. I recommend you get a good html editor, like FirstPage2000 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), which is totally free. You can use it just like you would Notepad pretty much, but it offers you much better options and realtime preview, open multiple files at once, search and replace, and the list goes on and on. You should also get a good graphics program, I recommend Paint Shop Pro if your budget is limited, can be bought for around (USA) $100, but there are other good ones for cheaper, PhotoImpact comes to mind. <br />
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Besides that what you need is skill and talent.<!--content-->Originally posted by kevin <br />
Besides that what you need is skill and talent. <br />
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add to that, honesty, resourcefullness, patience, willingness to learn and finish a job properly. Get those under your belt and the rest is easy :) <br />
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to some people it comes easy, others have to work hard at it, you'll know which one you are, good luck!<!--content-->Yeah.....apart from NotePad.....and if you have a good knowledge of (X)HTML, CSS and a bit of JS, you just really need a graphics program. I use Paint Shop Pro for all of my graphics, however I do think that the Adobe suites are good.<br />
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When it comes to WYSIWYG / HTML editors.....well....don't get me started. They generally don't obey standards...and...I find hand coding gives you more control, and when making sites work in all browsers the knowledge developed from hand coding is useful.<!--content-->Come to think of it, you might not even need an imaging programme. It depends on the kinds of sites you want to create. I believe there are clipart collections that are already web-ready. Boxed Art (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) is the first to come to mind. But you would have to check up on copyright issues for that. I'm not sure how they work.<br />
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Having said that, and to add to what's already been said, you'll also need three things - a colossal ego to sell your work to others, a total lack of ego to deal with customers who want what isn't feasible for the Internet, and a sense of good design. <br />
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The first two can be dealt with by acquiring the hide of a rhinocerous, but the second is a lot tougher. You'll need to learn what colour combinations will work on a computer screen and what won't. You'll need to learn where to put the white space and where to leave it out. You'll also need to have some idea of what appeals to potential clients, rather than what appeals to you. <br />
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And, while it's not strictly "HTML", you're welcome to check out my site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). I've got Java Script menus, but there are plain text menus underneath, if your browser won't handle j/s. It's not perfect, but it might give you some ideas.<br />
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Oh, and you might want to look at some of the information on the W3C site - <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> - specifically the HTML References (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and the Cascading Style Sheets 2 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) information. Apparently "plain HTML" just doesn't work any more.<br />
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Good luck!<br />
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