Bash Shell Directory Tree


this is a n00b question..what would be the most efficient way of displaying a directory tree with all my files on lets say a bash shell. <br /><br />Sad...i was able to find a way using msdos hehehe...using the tree cmd..but need a way to do it on a linux machine. <br /><br /><strike>I was trying to do a ls recursively but it didn't work</strike> Got this working, thats what i get for not readin the entire ls man section...i was using -r instead of -R.....but I know there has to be a prettier way of displaying it...i've just never tried doing this is an example I did with the cmd prompt on windows.<br /><br />Oh..and don't report me to the RIAA...If you do, i'll be the first person they put to death for downloading mp3s....LOL<br /><br />UPDATE: i think the only way is for me to write a sed script and use it with the find or ls -R command.<!--content-->
You might try a php script from<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--content-->
Thanks, but i was looking for this to be done straight from the shell...those php scripts probably use those lil handy php functions.... Well...if anyone is a linux guru and can help..i'll be here...hehe<!--content-->
If you have shell access (some older accounts have it but no new ones) you can look at the man page for ls. I know in the native sh you can do an ls -lR for details and recursion (It's been a long time since I Un*x'd but I think that's it). If you are looking for a graphical tree-like thing then you'll have to go to a 3rd party util.<!--content-->