Banner over the whole upperpage


hi there,<br />
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I want to put a banner/logo on my site, but i dont want it simply there, i want a banner with a hight of like 3 and a length of the whole page, so that if you work on a resolution of 800x600 under windows and open that site, ull see the banner spread over the upper part of the page, and if you work with a highjer resolution that its just filled with the collour the banner is in.<br />
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How do i achieve this?<br />
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Greetz<!--content-->There is a way to do something similar to what you want. You could set the width and height of the picture in percentages, such as:<br />
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<img src="me.gif" width=100% height=3%><br />
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Although this would ssstttrrreeetttccchhh the picture. Another way you could do it, is if you had multiple pictures that are different sizes for multiple resolutions and then use JavaScript to detect the user's screen resolution and show the correct one.<!--content-->Or use a table and set the background color of the table to the same background color used in the banner.<!--content-->Oh yeah and don't forget to set the width to 100% so that it will fill the screen horizontally no matter what the resolution.<!--content-->you will also need to set the margins to 0 so that you don't have lines of different colors. You may also have to 0 out the cellpadding and cellspacing<!--content-->