Banner Mystery


Hi. :D<br />
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I'm currently designing a website. I uploaded my first wepage onto my website just to see what it would look like online (even though it would look exaclty the same as viewing the page offline etc. :p). I used an FTP program to upload the webpage onto the internet. Upon viewing the webpage online, I discovered that there was a big problem with my banner image... It simply didn't show up on the page, but everything else on the page that was supposed to show up did! My web browser didn't even create the outlined box with the red X in the top left hand corner to show that the "img src" might be false etc. The height and width atributes which i assigned to the image didn't even create the effect it should've. The image simply didn't exist to the browser. So then i decide to view the source of the online page and to my horror the piece of html which made the banner image appear had been removed from the soruce completely! How this happened i have no idea, but i know for a fact that when i uploaded the page it had all the atributes etc. intact and absolutely nothing was missing in the html. I though perhaps it was the FTP program's fault so i then uploaded the exact same page onto the internet using Yahoo! Geocities and the same problem occurred.<br />
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Below is a exerpt of the html code i wrote when i designed my webpage. This is what i got when i viewed the source offline. The page was then saved and uploaded onto the internet with this piece of code present. Shown in bold is the <td> table in which the banner is placed in, and the <img> banner atributes.<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title><br />
bla bla bla<br />
</title><br />
<style><br />
<!--<br />
a{text-decoration:none}<br />
--><br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
<body bgcolor="#222222" text="#ffffff" link="#c0c0c0" alink="#c0c0c0" vlink"#c0c0c0" ><br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><br />
<tr><br />
<td height="100" width="750"><img height="100" width="750" alt="bla bla bla" src="banner.jpg</td><br />
<br />
<br />
...And below is the exact same excerp when i viewed it once the page once it had been uploaded onto the internet. This is what i got when i viewed the source online. Shown in bold is what is left of the table/banner atributes. <br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title><br />
bla bla bla<br />
</title><br />
<style><br />
<!--<br />
a{text-decoration:none}<br />
--><br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
<body bgcolor="#222222" text="#ffffff" link="#c0c0c0" alink="#c0c0c0" vlink"#c0c0c0" ><br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><br />
<tr><br />
<td height="100" width="750"></td><br />
<br />
<br />
As you can see, the table atributes remain. But the banner atributes within the table have dissapeared...<br />
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Well, anyway.... Could anyone please tell me (if they know) how to fix this particular problem or give me an insight into what it is i am doing wrong? If the html for the whole of my webpage is required, i will post it n/p...<br />
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Any help on this particular problem would be greatly appreciated.<br />
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Thank You.<!--content-->Don't know why a site would edit your code, but you're missing a quote after your jpg....<!--content-->Originally posted by TheBearMay <br />
but you're missing a quote after your jpg.... <br />
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Good point. However, i think that was just a mistake i made in the actual post. Sorry.<!--content-->Check your security settings. do you have a firewall running?<!--content-->Originally posted by DaveSW <br />
Check your security settings. do you have a firewall running? <br />
<br />
Hmmm, not that i know of... I don't see how security/firewall settings would affect the showing/non-showing of one single image whilst every other image shows up perfectly on my webpage. My lack of internet knowledge must be a bit of a pain in the arse for you guys. Oh and guys, thanks for the quick replies!<!--content-->How about other images? Do the rest of your graphics display properly? You might try deleting the file on the server & uploading a fresh one. Also, are you sure your browser is displaying the proper page, and not a cached version?<!--content-->