Banned from google


New Member
Hi all,How do you check if you are banned from google serach Engine? banned in terms of being blocked or not listed? cos i couldnt find my site in GOOGLE!!!!!! ... 8&oe=utf-8Still in there, just ranking badly.Any way to know where i'm ranked now instead of manually finding? i was looking from page 1-81 of the Word "online Fabric Stores"..n i couldnt find.. i thought after changign the TITLE tag it would turn better.. Hi SweeI dont know if i can help you but putting your company name in the title does seem to help. But also send your site to as many directories and listing as you can I added it here. not on the homepage. how does adding my company's name help?I would like to know that to.In my target key phrase about half the websites have their name in the title and half dont.I would like to see more feedback on this.also swee, what was your site made in?It will help if you are looking for the company name, but not if you are looking for a KW (unless your name happens to be a KW, then you're in luck ) People are going to type in what they are searching for in most cases though-if they know about your comany then they probably already know how to get to your site.Hmmm I would look at your key words, google says they dont use meta tags but I think they do, just not the way they are meant to if I look at your keywords they look like there is a lot of stuffing going on.I would remove any duplicated words eg 'fabric' appears many timesI would also be concerned about your title the vertical bars '|' may actually hinder I would replace them with commas. None of this is scientific fact, just my thoughts...darksat wrote:Can you be sure they don't use meta tags?they may not use it to help your position, but if I was a Google programmer I would consider using it to look for obvious spam techniques and apply a penalty for such things as keyword stuffing.Google states "Don't SEO" (yeah like thats possible)Overuse of the keyword meta tag is an obvious indication of SEO.Google is as open and upfront as they can be. But I dont think they are totally open and upfront, otherwise they would gives us a complete list of the "thousands of tests" applied when they index a page.joomimim - no results found in make a page - put that word in the keyword tags ... nowhere else on the page and see if that page ever ranks for that search term......Google don't have to worry about people spamming the keyword tag - as they just ignore it.... it's quite simple. Engines like yahoo on the other hand will de-lkist your site right away.I do agree - theres a lot of information and sneaky things google do and don't tell us about I just think they removed one whole big problem though by not looking at the keyword tag.You can confirm Jess' theory(fact) by searching a keyword string, in quotes, from any'll find that google does NOT return the page the keywords are from....I never said they indexed meta keywords, in fact I said the opposite.I said... who can say google doesn't use the keyword meta tag to try to decide whether a page is a likely spam page.Quote:Let me try to clear some of this up. Google DOES look at your meta tags. That's really about it. They also do look at your description tag and their only use for it is for the little description in the SERPS though they don't always use it.In Google, KW stuffing will get you nowhere as the largest part of their algo is BLs. Content plays a very large part in the algo too-but DO NOT make a bunch of duplicate pages or you risk being banned.Even though meta tags have a minimal effect in Google, don't ignore them because they (along with other on-page SEO) are more important than links to Yahoo & MSN. They will also be quicker to ban you for abuse than Google.For anyone that still doubts this, go to Google and search for "dismal failure" You will not find that phrase anywhere on the page.Quote: