baking with PHPcake correct database naming


New Member
Just gettign into MVC developement and cakes implimentation, so I'm getting confused with table naming and id references.I hava a table called Assets and value sotered in Assets is asset_status_id field which is meant to be a reference to the table Asset_Statuses this table is a simple list of possible statuses the assets could be in at any one time (Active, Inactive, Sold, Maintenace etc) I have chosen to use a table for this list as a) I think I'll need to add more options at some time b) I have a 'sequence' field in this table so I can control the sort order they will apear in in any drop downs.'Cake Bake'ing seems to see a table called Asset_Statuses as an indication it exists to descibe a relations ship between the Assets table and a non-existent Statuses table. Now I know what your thinking just call the table Statues right? But I have oither 'Status' tables I'd like to use such as a Domain_Status which wont use the same status lists of course. So what s the naming convention I should be using to make this all work easily?