backup posts, users, importnt stuff from 3.7.1 and downgrade to 3.6.8?


New Member
i have lots of mods/styles for 3.6.8 & don't like 3.7.1, is there any way i can backup my users(members), posts, threads, forums & important stuff like dat & reinstall 3.6.8?
sure you can do this but when you backup your database all shit that was in there comes to the new installed forum... thing you can do is cleanup your old forum by uninstalling ALL plugins and products reinstall them on your new vbulletin. Now backup the most important tables in your database you wanna keep, like tables:


than the whole structure of the forum will be save.... also do a complete backup of your database with all hacks and without all hack to be save nothing goes wrong.
SpeedRazors said:
sure you can do this but when you backup your database all shit that was in there comes to the new installed forum... thing you can do is cleanup your old forum by uninstalling ALL plugins and products reinstall them on your new vbulletin. Now backup the most important tables in your database you wanna keep, like tables:


than the whole structure of the forum will be save.... also do a complete backup of your database with all hacks and without all hack to be save nothing goes wrong.

ok thanks seems easier than i imagined
just look in your database and see what tables you don't wanna lose.. some also backup the PM or other tables... but remember only backup after you uninstalled all plugins and products.. if you don't you may not be able to import the tables because of tables in the table that don't excist