

My graphic backgrounds are tiling and with todays use of large monitors and higher resolutions, it looks bad. I understand that if I use a CSS I can use a no repeat attribute. I read that that will put the background in the top left corner and not repeat it. So my question is...what happens to the rest of the space? Do you make it the sme color as the background or does it stretch the graphic?<!--content-->Using CSS you can put the background image anywhere on the page, not just the top left corner. The rest of the space will be whatever color you define for it in the body tag or in a CSS for the body attributes. The image will not stretch.<br />
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This website will help you with the various body attributes using CSS:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Kevin<!--content-->A (cheap) non-CSS way to do this is to make your background image extremely wide (4000 pixels or so) and at most 2 pixels high, padding the right-hand side of it with your page's background color. GIF files of this size aren't very large at all and will prevent it from tiling oddly on higher resolutions. This is commonly used for that vertical left-bar effect, but useless for anything more complicated.<!--content-->