

hello, i have a question again.<br />
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i want to make a clickable menu in photoshop and have already done that. but now i want to make it cover the whole frame, like on for example the website<br />
how is that possible? i have tried looking at the html but its too hard.<br />
So i basically have a table, created in adobe imageready, so that people can click the images.<br />
look here for an example: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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i made it in a table but the table is always loose from the background, i cant cover the whole frame with it.<br />
i hope i could make this clear, and please help me!<br />
thanks<!--content-->OK, I went to The layout isn't one huge image, but a layout of standard text/ image links. You don't just design one picture and it achieves the whole effect. Rather, they have designed tons of little pictures, and organized them into a tabled layout. Added text links, and information. I would say, honestly, its the way a lot of web sites are created. I am connecting on a t1 line, and for some reason your page took quite a while to load. May be due to geocities. All I could see of your page was the top....navigation bar.<!--content-->I had a look at your site also and it does take some time loading. I went to Adobe and although it is colourful, I myself found it very cluttered. I have now myself started to make my own stuff in paintshop and by using digital images from a camera. This gives your site a world of its own.<br />
I created my own background and placed it using <body background=""> I was quite happy with the result.<!--content-->It didn't load for me<!--content-->I'm running a cable modem and it took a while to load for me as well. I did not see a side nav area. It is however an easy thing to do. Just use a background color or image in the tabl cell(s) where the menu is to be and add the text and links. One plus is no image map will be needed.<!--content-->