Background Tiles


I'm working on this page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index1.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
and whenever the main part of the page gets longer...the background on the page begins to tile, and as you can the background fades from dark purple to light. So when it starts to looks there a way that I can get the background to no tile? and just stretch along with the page?<!--content--><head><br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
body {background-image: url(/images/lipswwhite300.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #ff9933;}<br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
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Play with this. You will need to create an image that will fit the highest res possible to account for all screen settings. The repeat can be set to:<br />
repeat-y<br />
or<br />
repeat-x<br />
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Not exactley sure what you want to achieve but give that a go... any probs gimme a shout.<!--content-->go here and you will see what I'm trying to prevent..or fix. The background .... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... out_Us.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->it didn't tile on me, or are you talking about the medicine symbol?<!--content-->I'm talking about the Purple Grid thing..I know the medicine symbol tiles..and thats cool. But I don't want the purple grid thing to have to scroll down to see it tile. It's very obvious what I'm talking about, once you click here..and scroll down <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... out_Us.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Originally posted by Davinci27 <br />
go here and you will see what I'm trying to prevent..or fix. The background .... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... out_Us.htm</a><!-- m --> <br />
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I see exactly what you mean... what entimp told you to do is the right way of doing it! so..... do it! ;)<!--content-->Ok I see what you mean... try this:<br />
<br />
<head><br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
body {background-image: url(/images/lipswwhite300.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;}<br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
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I think the above with a change to your bg image and route to it will do the job.<!--content-->Karinne I was half right, I think he/she means the BG should not scroll... the previous post will fix that.<!--content-->maybe I missed something here but when the page loads I don't see the purple background tile. infact when it gets done loading you can't even see it.<!--content-->I changed the file this right? <br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
body {background-image: bg2.gif; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;}<br />
</style><br />
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Or do you need the {backgroun-image: url(/image/bg2.gif;) part?<br />
or can i just put it like i have above..just bg2.gif, and leave the rest the same?<!--content-->yes you need the url part.<br />
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is everybody not listening to me, I don't see the tiel or the background<!--content-->LOL<br />
The blue grid thing in the background. Starts white and ends up a pale blue towards the bottom. It's fixed now... looking at it anyway it seems it is. <br />
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Didn't mean to ignore ya... what with all that blue fur and the blue background... just couldn't see the woods for the trees. :D<!--content-->Just a question..whats the difference between bgproperties="fixed" and the /style you gave me?,,I used the Bgproperties="fixed" and it worked...and it seems much simple. But, is there a difference between what you where telling me to do? or are they both the same thing/function/result/quality? Just one is more simple?<!--content-->Bgproperties="fixed" is deprectated and might no tbe supported in the next version of html.<br />
LOL<br />
The blue grid thing in the background. Starts white and ends up a pale blue towards the bottom. It's fixed now... looking at it anyway it seems it is. <br />
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Didn't mean to ignore ya... what with all that blue fur and the blue background... just couldn't see the woods for the trees. :D<br />
:D hehe True, but when the page loaded I saw the background, but the page loaded so fast that I got to see it in like 2 seconds. also once the page is loaded you can't see but 1 inch of it at the top, so why worry about.<!--content-->Originally posted by entimp <br />
Karinne I was half right, I think he/she means the BG should not scroll... the previous post will fix that. <br />
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Yeah... but here could still put the background-color just in case his page is longer non?<br />
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One more thing Davinci27.... You have a bunch of <style...> open and close. :eek: You don't have to open <style.. everytime you add a new one just put all your styles between 1 <style....> ... </style><br />
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OR, you could simply put all you styles in an extenal style sheet with a .css extension and put <link rel="stylesheet" href="yourcss.css" type="text/css"> ;)<br />
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HTH<!--content-->>> Bgproperties="fixed" is deprectated and might not be supported in the next version of html <<<br />
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Nearly, but not quite right. The bgproperties attribute is an example of browser specific code, it only worked in the Infernal Exploiter.<!--content-->well I agree to a point, but if it can be done in css then it is deprecated. and the bgproperties can be done is css.<br />
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and that will be done by<br />
<br />
background-attachment: fixed;<br />
<br />
and according to w3, anything that can be done is css is usually deprecated using the other way.<!--content-->Originally posted by Davinci27 <br />
I'm working on this page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index1.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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you mind if i ask how u do some a cool looking page?<br />
wat program do u use?<!--content-->