Background-size cover jumping when background-position switches to fixed


New Member
I am working on a Parallax/Scrolling Timeline project and I am having a problem with the CSS3 Background-size cover property.The div has these properties:\[code\]background: url(../images/timeline/back-6.jpg) no-repeat top center black; background-size: cover;padding-top: 90px;height: 1855px;position: relative;\[/code\]Using jQuery I switch the background-attachment to fixed. When I do this the background image jumps "in" (meaning that parts of the image that were past the edge of the screen are now visible). Which isn't the desired result.In testing I can switch the div to use background-size: 100% cover but it is causing different vertical jumping issues when scrolling. Any ideas of how to prevent it from jumping in when I switch the background to fixed? (It also happens in reverse when I set the background to scroll).I sadly can't link to a demo of this code as the page isn't ready to be deployed yet.