Background repeats in NN table!


Hi, back to the forum after a while! The pity is, after all this time (years!) of working with Netscape, I am still running into silly problems with this oh-so-versatile **NOT** browser! This time it seems to be a common problem: if I use a background image in a table with some rows and columns, it shows okay in IE but Netscape shows a version of the background in each cell! This also persists if I insert the background pic in a single cell table and insert the multicelled table (minus the bg) within the singlecelled table.<br />
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Note: It's a full pic, and not a repeating miniblock, so there is no manipulating it either.<br />
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PLEASE help. This frustration is aging me :O)<br />
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Thanks in advance!<br />
PeePee.<!--content-->Easy way to do this is through CSS. Use this code <br />
<br />
Put this in between your <head> tags <br />
<br />
<style = "text/css"> <br />
<!-- <br />
TABLE.image {background: url(img.gif); <br />
background-repeat: no-repeat; <br />
background-attachment: fixed; <br />
background-position: center center;} <br />
<br />
--> <br />
</style> <br />
<br />
Now when u create your table do it something like this: <br />
<br />
<center> <br />
<table class = "image" border = "0" width = 60% cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0"> <br />
<tr><br />
<td width = 60%> TEXT </td> <br />
<td width = 5%></td> <br />
</tr> <br />
<br />
Notice in the <table> tag there is a "Class" field. This references back up to the script.<!--content-->scoutt, <br />
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did you try this with a background image viewing in netscape4.7? Doesn't render anything. I'd be interested in finding a way to achieve this in N4.7 as well, as I use backgrounds for tables within some sections of:<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
like degree programs, admissions, tuition etc.<!--content-->Hi Scout,<br />
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Thanks for the reply, but your code is for not making an overall page background repeat itself. If I use my background for the entire page, not as a part of the table, then there is no visualisation problems anyways in NN or IE. I am having the exact same problem as Dr. Web in his website's internal page "Tuitions and Fees", which happens when the background is inserted in a table and another table with differing cell number is imposed on top of it.<br />
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I really need help urgently as this problem is arising on a tight-deadline site for a large client...*PANIC*<br />
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ANY ideas, please let me know.<br />
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Thanks everyone.<!--content-->Put the background in a absolutely positioned div with the same size<br />
as the table then absolutely position the table at the same position<br />
with no background and a higher z-index than the div. The default<br />
background for a table is transparent so the div should show through.<!--content-->Originally posted by PeePee <br />
Hi Scout,<br />
<br />
Thanks for the reply, but your code is for not making an overall page background repeat itself. If I use my background for the entire page, not as a part of the table, then there is no visualisation problems anyways in NN or IE. I am having the exact same problem as Dr. Web in his website's internal page "Tuitions and Fees", which happens when the background is inserted in a table and another table with differing cell number is imposed on top of it.<br />
<br />
I really need help urgently as this problem is arising on a tight-deadline site for a large client...*PANIC*<br />
<br />
ANY ideas, please let me know.<br />
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Thanks everyone. <br />
well first you talked about a background img in a TABLE repeating. Then you say that you are trying NOT to repeat a a background img for the entire page, I think I am cornfused here<br />
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go here and see what they did, the same thing I told you to do. and it worked for them.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=70325</a><!-- m --><br />
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edit: but after careful thought and pulling my head out of my you know what, I come to realize that it don't work. :)<br />
But I will study up on it and se if I can get a solution, but I don't think ns4.x will do it.<!--content-->ok i found this<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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once the page loads, up top you will find a drop down box, find the table tag and it explains teh backgound image problem.<br />
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sorry guys as I was mislead by evil aliens. :D<!--content-->