Background question


Hello! Is there any way you can change your background color to be a percentage of a color throughout the html page?? I mean that I want to have the top left corner of the page be white and the bottom right be green.<br />
From the top left to the bottom right, the color saturations are:<br />
<br />
0%<br />
Fill 25% Green<br />
Fill 50% Green<br />
Fill 75% Green<br />
Fill 100% Green<br />
Is this possible, or am I being difficult again???<br />
Thanks!<!--content-->I dont think ( could be wrong) that you can do this on the body.backgrournd color...however if you add div tags in thise co- ordinates and you can set there background-color to whatever you want..<!--content-->So I would really be doing something like a nav map??? I'm not quite understanding this, I am sorry. I'll try and look for examples of this on the web... Thanks!<!--content-->