Background Properties


I'm having difficulty finding the background properties to make a background fixed. I had at one time, and of course lost it. ^_^ And of course, am having the darndest time finding it again. <br />
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Any help would be appreciated. <br />
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I thought it was something like:<br />
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<bgproperty="fixed"> added into the main body code, or seperately. <br />
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I've tried:<br />
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<body bgproperty="fixed"> also, and it didn't work. <br />
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GRRRR, finding codes on the net can be so frustrating sometimes. <br />
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Thanks for any help. ^_^ Of course, by now, I've learned to try and keep all my codes written down and in one place. :D<!--content-->Hi!<br />
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Try the following I hope it will works fine for your requirements.<br />
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<BODY BACKGROUND="image.gif" BGPROPERTIES=FIXED><!--content-->Thanks, that helped alot. <br />
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I think it worked with "fixed" in quotations. <br />
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Thanks alot again for your help. <br />
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My next project, finding the simplest version of the Transistion Page Code. :D<!--content-->Hi AlaskanKare!<br />
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There is a site called <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Go there and search the sites they have hundreds of page transistion codes - slected the one you like, and remember they are all free.<!--content-->Thanks again, eformsolutions!<br />
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I'll check that out. <br />
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The fixed property is great. <br />
:D<!--content-->What does adding fixed to the background do?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Terry<!--content-->Hi Terry,<br />
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Adding FIXED in the body tags stops the background from scrolling when a webpage is viewed. This is sometimes refered to as a watermarked background. Its actually better to use style tags to control the background properties as there are many more attributes you can use besides just FIXED. Bookmark this site for future reference...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi Kevin!<br />
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A great resources of CSS. Thanks Kevin.<!--content-->Thanks for the further advise Kevin, I'll have to check out that site for other background properties.<br />
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But when you can plug in a simple fixed code when all you want is the background to sit still, then why bother with CSS? ^_^<br />
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I'm also looking at transition qualities, which are CSS, right?<br />
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Those work with Netscape as well, don't they? Are is it just limited to IE type browsers?<!--content-->Hi AlaskanKare,<br />
Some css is supported by NS, I really suggest you view the site offered by kevin and look at some of the examples of what can be done with it, they also note if it is supported by NS4+ browsers or not.<br />
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Excellent site Kevin, well worth bookmarking. Thanks.<br />
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Just to repeat the url:<br />
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