background-position change in increments with jQuery


New Member
I'm trying to workout an efficient way to cycle though in 25% increments the background image of an element, but when it gets to 100% it would go back to 0% on the next increment. I can do something like this: \[code\]var currentPos = $('.ele1').css('background-position');var elementPositions = currentPos.split(' ');var x = Number(elementPositions[0].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ''));//var y = Number(elementPositions[1].replace(/[^0-9-]/g, ''));// only want to do the x axisx = (x == 100) ? 0 : x += 25;$('.ele1').css('background-position', x + "%" + " 0");\[/code\]But I don't like the fact I have to call the element twice. Is there a more efficient way to increment a % with jQuery and have it reset back to 0% after 100%?I did think to do it with CSS .classes. But I don't really want to be restricted to what's in my style sheet.