background pic replicates


Staff member
How do I get my BG to stop copying itself!? I only want 1 picture not tiles of it?!<br />
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And how do I get my background longer if it needs to be longer?! so If I have more info than the size of my background it will make it longer with out me having to edit it but also with out having to go and making a huge file for the back ground?!<br />
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But mostly how do I get it to stop being a tile?!<!--content-->NOOOOO, you're talking about the canadian army picture arn't you? Shouldn't be used as a background at all. But if the person absolutly insists on using that picture as a background, smack him silly, or maybe try using a java script.<br />
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backgroung image stretch (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... image.html</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Umm isnt there a way to have the picture just be 1 picture?!<br />
And like I said before about having it size automaticly to the amount of info like this webpage. see how long it is?! well if you were to go to reply it would be even longer cuase there is more stuff to put in... but it always stays the same thinkness......Isnt there a way to do that in HTML?!<!--content-->Yeah, I needed the code too! Could someone please tell me how to replicate a bg image only vertically and not horizontally also? Thnx<!--content-->no, you can't stop it repeating in all browsers.<br />
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you culd try this, just put it in the html file<br />
<br />
<style type="text/css"> <br />
<br />
body { <br />
background-position: center; <br />
background-repeat: no-repeat; <br />
} <br />
<br />
</style> <br />
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but will not work in NS I don't think.<!--content-->No, that doesn't work, even in IE. All it does is put the bg image once in the center, but what I want to get is the bg repeated vertically on the left side of the page, basically just as I made the bg image to begin with, but repeated vertically and not horizontally.<br />
I'm sure the code exists cus I found it once, but the site I took those two or three lines of html code from doesn't exist now. I remember that it wasn't a style sheet, but it was like a tag embedded in the <body>....if I remember well, it said something like "-y" (which makes sence if you think of it. -Y would make an image go downward.) I don't remember anything else though...:(<br />
Anyone=:O ???<!--content-->if you want it to repeat (which I thought everyone was looking for it to not repeat) then by default it will repeat vertically. if it repeats horizontally then your page ist to wide for the browser window.<!--content-->this will work and is what you are talking about<br />
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<br />
<style type="text/css"> <br />
<br />
body { <br />
background-position: center; <br />
background-repeat: repeat-y; <br />
} <br />
<br />
</style><!--content-->Thank you so much! That was exactly what I was looking for!!! :) <br />
Well, cya, and thnx again<!--content-->