Background Options


Staff member
Hey... I wondered how u can :<br />
<br />
- Keep the background fixed. I think it's sth like "bgfixed=yes" or so... can't really remember<br />
- Keep the background from tiling... eg: if u want a small thingy in the upper left corner and don't want to make it disappear when scrolling and don't want to make the image really big (to keep it from comming back somewhere)<br />
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Does anyone have a good, COMPLETE html reference site??<br />
<br />
TIA,<br />
b00ster<!--content-->Hi b00ster,<br />
<br />
This site isn't a complete CSS reference but it will answer your questions about backgrounds <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... background</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hmmm... I know it can also b done with pure HTML. Does anyone know the answer??<br />
<br />
TIA,<br />
b00ster<!--content-->This is an IE (and Netscape 6) only method of having a "no-tile" background.<br />
Because it uses no-repeat image won't scroll with the page.<br />
Just like the effect of BGPROPERTIES="fixed"<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE> Fixed background using styles <TITLE><br />
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><br />
BODY { background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:fixed;<br />
background-position:left top;background-image:url(blah.jpg) }<br />
</STYLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
etc...<br />
<br />
The background-position can left/center/right for x axis and<br />
top/center/bottom for the y axis. With IE5.5 you can use a numeric value to <br />
specify the x/y co-ordinates in pixels <br />
<br />
<br />
Best reference site for html and CSS is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Thanx a lot... I'll check that site out 2morrow... that w3schools was also very good for reference :D<br />
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Grtz,<br />