background music repeat


Staff member
Using Ntscape 7.0, HTML 3.2, wIN XP -<br />
Visitor signs on to Home Page and hears background (EMBED) music. When he returns to the Home Page after visiting a link, he hears the same melody again.<br />
What is the coding I need to overcome this situation?<br />
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<EMBED SRC="LOONEY.MID" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="false"><br />
<NOEMBED><BGSOUND SRC="LOONEY.MID" LOOP="1"></NOEMBED><!--content-->why in tarnations are you using html3.2?? use 4.0 at least.<br />
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and if you go to the site and then go to another site and then go back it wil always reload that music. but you should give your surfer a chance to turn it off so don't hide it.<!--content-->