Background imagemaps.


Does anyone know if it is possible to make background an imagemap? Or if it is possible to put a regular image on the page in such way, that it would take the whole screen no matter what resolution a computer has?<!--content-->There might be some obscure or complicaed way to make a background image an image map, but I don't know of any. In general though, background images are not used as image maps, it would need to be an image that is not a background image. could place a transparent gif image over a background image and use the gif as the image map but it will look like the background image is the image map. You probably can't put any other content over the gif image though and still use it for the image map coordinates. <br />
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As far as an image filing up any resolution, that could be done using tables with a sliced image and sections of the table where the image is tilable could be coded in percentages and the rest in pixels and it will give the illusion of the image filling up the screen (more or less). <br />
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Or use a JAVA resolution detection script and have the script call an image that is made especially for a certain resolution, this requires having several images.<br />
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Could be a pain in the butt anyway you try it.<br />
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HTH,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thanks, Kevin <br />
I'll probably try to make it less complicated, but there's still a bit of a problem. Do you know if it is possible to make background image not to tile, but to stretch the picture to cover all the space? Then I could use transparent gif over it.<br />
Thanks in advance,<br />
Lani<!--content-->One of the main flaws I see here is that even a 800x600 picture is going to take a while to fownload. It just doesnt seem like a good idea from the onset, to make the user wait something like 30 seconds for the pic to load. <br />
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Then your trying to distort the pic to fit any resolution, while dynamically generation the coords for the imagemap.<br />
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Make imagemaps for each resolution, and use JS redirects to get them where they need to go. If you use a bgimage, and it distorts, and your transparent gif is your imagemap.... the coords will be off and it wont work. <br />
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even better idea, just center your imagemap (smaller thn the total resoltion) in the window. Then it doesnt matter what res they have. Use a bgimage to help the image seem a part of the whole thing.<!--content-->Do you know where can I find that script for determining a visitors' resolution and redirecting him on specific case?<br />
Thanks for help,<br />
Lani<!--content-->take a gander at these.<br />
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