background-image is inherited? or not?


Ok, using NN4 I have a table and within this table I have one cell. In this cell I specify a background-image. Then I put another table within that one cell and this new table has four cells. These four new cells now inherit the background-image of the first cell. Why? In dreamweaver within the reference it says that background-image is supported by NN4 and IE3. It also says inherited=no. So, why are these cells inheriting the background-image?<!--content-->I think that's just the way N4 is.<br />
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You may have to define a background color or image for the inner table to override the inheritance.<br />
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When it comes to CSS, N4 is not the most reliable. N6 took a big step in CSS rendering.<!--content-->That stinks, I was hoping there was an easier way. So far from my experience,... I'm gonna stop hoping! Thanks again.<!--content-->dreamweaver lied to you. <br />
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NS4.xx doesn't like background images in nested tables. try setting the background-image="" in the table on the inside.<!--content-->