background image for tables


Hello, I was hoping maybe someone may help me out. Im trying to place an image in a table and be able to write text over it. I pretty sure its poss. cause ive done it before with one image in the background and one in the the foreground. Unfortunetly ive tried it and its not cooperating. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks<!--content-->Well, due to the temporary dumbness... I figured it out, but I do have another question. Does anyone know how to fix the annoying tiling effect that happens when you include an image into the background? Thanks<!--content-->Hi :)<br />
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Images on a background will always tile, depending on the resolution of your visitors. Unless you use specific parameters such as width and height on your site, and/or use an image that is exactly the size of the table, there's really not much you can do about the tiling. :( :)<!--content-->Don't get hung up on, the tiling. Use the structure of the table to your advantage. Take your table and figure out the min/ max size of it. Make an background image which looks nicely when the table is small, but also looks good when the table is viewed under larger rez. I commonly just add a lot of extra white space, or put backgrounds in certain cells-and line them up so they always look centered. Like I said...use the table structure to your advantage. Table cels can each have different backgrounds too.<!--content-->