background image does not fill full screen


hi everybody!<br />
i want my background image to fulfill my screen, but it does not. there is still a margin left and i don't why.<br />
my image is placed in an externe css-file:<br />
<br />
.img1 <br />
{ <br />
margin: 0px; <br />
padding: 0; <br />
width: 1003px; <br />
height: 599px; <br />
background-image:url([2]img.gif); <br />
background-repeat: no-repeat; <br />
background-position:0px 0px; <br />
<br />
it would be great if you could help!<br />
thx, st3ffi<br />
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:P<!--content-->MARGINheight="0" MARGINwidth="0"<br />
<br />
use this code and there will be no gaps at all, your image will go right to the ends ;)<!--content-->thank you for the info! it inspired me to find the solution to my problem: i had to put this margin tag not only in my css-file, but also to this body tag. <br />
<body style="margin: 0"><br />
or better to say: it was enough to put it only to "body".<br />
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:-)<!--content-->no problem, what i did see was i gave you enought info to inspire you into finding the solution yourself ;)<br />
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not bad huh? lol<br />
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glad u got it dun anyway<!--content-->not bad, not bad ;) <br />
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But after this problem is solved, I have many many more questions. . . (I hate computers ;)<br />
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Do you know Photoshop?<br />
If yes, could you tell me, why my transparent gif-pics have so ugly pixel contours?<br />
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I want those gif-pics as links added over my background picture.<!--content-->sorry,<br />
just found the solution<!--content-->GIFs have a maximum of 256 colors, which is why they're best for cartoony things. JPGs can do a much better job with gradients, but they can have no transparency. 24-bit PNG images might be better for you.<!--content-->sorry,<br />
just found the solution<!--content-->no,.... didn't found the solution.<br />
<br />
<br />
I've just tried to do so with these 24bit png pics. I set "transparent" and saved under 24bit png. <br />
when I open the pic, it is transparent, I think. but when I try to put it on my background with <div> the pic has a light blue background and covers my real background pic.<br />
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I think you must be right, that it should work.<br />
But why isn't the pic really transparent?<!--content-->make sure that the transparency is total, because semi-transparency doesn't work right in IE for Windows (without using a hack that disables it in other browsers, grrr).<!--content-->I did everything to make this stupid little 24bit-png pic transparent, but set over my background img it isn't. it is light blue then, although none of my pics have a blue touch.<!--content-->