back button to reload previous frames on a page.


New Member
How can I use a back/forward button to reload previous frames on a page? I tried using the script below, but it only reloads an a previous file in the frame that hold the back/forward button. whereas, I want it to reload all frames with their previous or subsequent window document.<BR><BR>Please advice me on how I can achieve my aim. Hope it is possible.<BR><BR><script Language="JavaScript"><BR><!--<BR>function goBack()<BR>{<BR> window.history.go(-1);<BR>}<BR><BR>function moveForward()<BR> {<BR> window.history.go(+1);<BR> }<BR><BR>//--><BR></script><BR><BR><BR><a href="JavaScript:onClick=goBack();"><img border="0" alt="Back" src="back.gif" width="18" height="34"></a><img border="0" alt="Forward" src="forward.gif" width="18" height="34" onClick="moveForward()"><BR><BR><BR>AP